Thank you for supporting our ministries!
God provides for the ministries of our church through your tithes and offerings, and your gifts are honored with faithful stewardship, and accountability to our staff and Session. Giving is part of our personal worship to God and handing Him back what He already owns. . . and it’s about lives changing through the transformative power of the Gospel in Loveland and beyond.
"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?
Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
~1 Chronicles 29:14
Use the following link to give online.
You can give to Faith Church via text message. To use this secure system, text the amount of your contribution (e.g. $100.00) to:
Your contribution will go to the general fund unless you use a keyword to specify the area after the amount of your donation (e.g. $100.00 WITW). You can text “keywords” to view a list of all available funds. Most frequently used funds are listed below.
General Fund: general
Building Fund: building
Benevolence Fund: caring
Women In the Word: WITW
World Outreach: missions
The first time you text to give you will be directed to a secure site to enter your payment information. The secure server will save this information for future use. Each time you make a gift, you'll receive a text and an email confirming your gift.
We'll include your text to give contributions on your annual statement.
You can give to Faith Church by mailing a check to:
Faith Church
2707 Wilson Ave.
Loveland, CO 80538
Make sure you include your name and address on the check so we can provide a record of your donation for tax purposes. Please note if your gift is for the general fund or a specific area of ministry.
For those who want simple digital convenience – we can set up a once-or twice-a-month automatic transfer from your bank account. Fill out a Bank Transfer Giving Authorization form at the Connect Center and return it to the office. There are no fees involved for you or the church!
Drop a check or cash into the offering basket during a Sunday service. Please note if your gift is for the general fund or a specific area of ministry. If you're giving cash and would like a contribution statement, please use a giving envelope available at the Connect Center in the foyer.
If you are using our Simple Church app, you can also give through the app! When you open the app, you should see a “Give” link in the lower right. You can choose one-time or automatic recurring gifts using a credit card or bank account.
Support Faith Church while you shop!
King Soopers will donate a portion of all your purchases to Faith Church while you grocery shop. Simply log into your King Soopers account, click on My Account, and select Community Rewards. There you can designate Faith Evangelical Church under “organization name” and every quarter they will make a donation to Faith Church. It costs you nothing and benefits our General Fund!
If you are able or required to take distribution from your traditional IRA, you may also be able to make a donation directly from your IRA without paying the taxes on the distribution. Contact your tax advisor or our Finance Director* to discuss this option.
*Emails will be forwarded to the Finance Director.
Donation of appreciated stock can benefit both you and the church. And through the National Christian Foundation (NCF), we are also able to accept donations of complex tangible assets. Many large corporations also include NCF in their employee charitable matching funds programs. Contact our Finance Director* to find out more about these giving options.
*Emails will be forwarded to the Finance Director.